Pricing tables with header with color Source Choose a Plan Table Source Elegant Pricing Plan Widget Source Pricing Plan Free Source Pricing Plan free 2 Source Responsive Flip Pricing Table…
Discover a world of versatile and powerful Bootstrap Form Templates that simplify your web development process. CodedThemes Authentication Forms Source Bootstrap 5 Verifications Card Source Bootstrap 5 Flight Booking Card…
Button Bootstrap button components provide versatile styles and sizes for easy customization and consistent design in web projects. <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Primary Button</button> Button group Button group components allow you…
Measure customer loyalty and satisfaction with a company, brand, or product by using NPS survey tool. This tool is valuable because it provides a simple metric that can be tracked…
In Figma Fonts play a pivotal role in the visual appeal and effectiveness of any design project. If you are looking for Figma Fonts to craft a sleek user interface…
Nowadays word Admin is not uncommon anymore, If you are dealing with any website or a project related to it, whether it is small or big, the size doesn’t matter…