Are you working on mobile application and web development, and find out an open-source platform to easy your work. Basically, open-source tools perform specific tasks, in which the source code is openly published for use and/or modification from the original design.
Web development tools allow developers to works with a variety of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, DOM, JavaScript, and other components that are handled by the web browser. Web dev tools allow web developers to test and debug their code.
Some of the open-source web development tools come as browser add-ons or built-in features in the web browsers. Most popular web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Opera, have built-in tools to help web developers, and many additional add-ons can be found in their respective plugin download centers.
In this article explore the best web development and web designing tools.
Open source web development tools
A web development tool uses for easy development works, it offers a standard way of developing web applications.
REACTJS: A javascript library for building user interfaces
ReactJS is a javascript library used for building reusable UI components, according to react official documentation. React is a library for building a composable user interface. React abstracts away the DOM from you, offering a simpler programming model and better performance. React can also render on the server using Node, and it can power native apps using React Native.
- Data Binding, Controller, and Plain JavaScript. Data Binding will eliminate DOM manipulation.
- Directives
- Reusable Components
- Localization
- Deep Linking
- Form Validation, and Server Communication for Navigation, Forms, and Back ends.
- It also provides built-in Testability.
one of the best ReactJS template is: Datta able
Datta able is one of the most used react admin templates having an excellent support system and browser compatibility. It doesn’t cost anything for single-use, but you have to pay a certain charge for multiple usages. The user doesn’t need any documentation for installing. This template in their system developing apps with the help of data able template becomes very easier.
The feature includes 130+pages, 30+ layout, flexible code, high performance, and a complete UI kit.
VUE: The progressive javascript framework
Vue is an open-source Model-View frontend javascript framework for building a single page user interface.
- Virtual DOM
- Routing
- Reactivity
- Transitions
- Templates
ANGULAR JS: Javascript-based open-source front-end web framework
Angular is a typescript based opensource application build by google. Angular is a complete rewrite from the same team that built AngularJS. It extends the HTML into the app and performs a data find effectively.
- Data Binding, Controller, and Plain JavaScript. Data Binding will eliminate DOM manipulation.
- Directives
- Reusable Components
- Localization
- Deep Linking
- Form Validation, and Server Communication for Navigation, Forms, and Back ends.
- It also provides built-in Testability.
one of the best AngulartJS template is: Gradient able
Gradient able is a built Angular framework. You can say that it is a featured rich admin template. It’s elegant and classy design is best for the professional and business. It gives a sleek and beautiful look. This admin template compatible with all major devices such as mobile, template, etc. it comes with a powerful feature such as drag-drop builder, button, alerts, badges, widget, etc.
Gradient able comes with a clean and minimal design interface. Users can change the color, images of the side panel. It is fully responsive and compatible with all major browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome.
NODE JS: Open-source, cross-platform, back-end, javascript runtime environment
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end, javascript runtime environment that executes javascript code outside a web browser.
- ES modules support
- Stable Diagnostic Reports
- Optional catch binding
- Single-threaded
- asynchronous and Event-Driven
- Highly scalable
BOOTSTRAP: The most popular HTML, CSS, and js library
Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework for creating responsive and mobile-friendly front end web development. It contains CSS and JavaScript-based design templates which include typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.
- Sass variables and mixing.
- It provides a responsive grid system.
- Extensive pre-built components.
- Powerful plugins built on JQuery.
one of the best Bootstrap template is: Nextro able
Nextro able Built using the latest Bootstrap Framework & support of NPM-Gulp build process for enhancing web developing experience. It comes with a light/ dark and semi-dark version which is done with a single click. A template Design passed with a good score in Google Page Speed, Pingdom, GT Metrix, and code passed via W3 validators.
Open source design and prototype tools
Prototyping tools are the tools to help you to make create an effective design and helps you to decide the flow of the application. It gives you an overview of the design, interaction, and ideas.
INVISION: Design, prototype, and animate
InVision is a cloud-based digital product design platform that helps development professionals and businesses of all sizes create and manage prototypes. It allows users to collaborate, test, and experiment with designing templates and ideas on a digital dashboard.
- Simple and rapid prototyping.
- Besides, there is the automatic synchronization
- Pre-built transitions
- Sketch, draw, and wireframe
- Animate transitions
- Mobile interface
- Also, there are pre-built interactions & animations
FIGMA: The collaborative interface design tool
Figma is an interface design application that runs in the browser—but it’s actually much more than that. Figma gives you all the tools you need for the design phase of the project, including vector tools which are capable of fully-fledged illustration, as well as prototyping capabilities, and code generation for a hand-off.
- Prototyping
- Built-in Commenting
- Developer Handoff
- Version Control
- Multiplayer Collaboration
- Online Sketch alternative
- Free for small teams
- Easy to use
SKETCH: The digital design toolkit
Sketch provides a smart layout to help you create responsive and reusable components that can automatically get resized to fit the content. It provides hundreds of plugins
- Powerful vector editing
- Pixel-perfect precision
- Prototyping.
- With the help of Sketch, you will be able to turn wireframes into UI elements.
- Tool Sets
- Code Export
ADOBEXD: Design like you always imagined
Adobe XD is the Adobe prototyping tool for user experience and interaction designers. Adobe XD features are used for creating wireframes, prototypes, and screen designs for digital products such as websites and mobile apps.
- Voice prototyping
- Responsive Resize
- Auto-Animate
- Repeat grid
- Prototype and animation
- Interoperability
JUSTINMIND: All-in-one prototyping tool for web and mobile apps
Justinmind Prototyping tool is an authoring tool for web and mobile app prototypes and high-fidelity website wireframes. It offers capabilities typically found in diagramming tools, like drag and drop placement, re-sizing, formatting, and export/import of widgets.
- Responsive prototyping
- Liquid layouts
- Advanced pinning
- Auto-resize UI components
- Interactions and animations
- Mobile gestures & transactions.
- Requirements management.
- Conditional navigation.
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