Security is a major concern while you are running a WordPress website as an owner. You are responsible for protecting your site. By default, WordPress does not provide strong security. Security is depending on the end-user. WordPress has a set of plug-ins and functionality to enhance security but you cannot deny that WordPress is a most hacked CMS on a web. Whether you are a beginner or experienced webmaster, make sure that you used the best security practice to prevent your website against the hacker. Here, WordPress offers a set of plug-ins and functionality to enhance security. In this article, I will share powerful security tips and trick that makes your website secure.
For better understanding, we will be divided security into four parts.
- WordPress login/admin panel
- Enhancing the security of WordPress theme and plug-ins
- Improve Database security
- Hosting security
WordPress login page/admin panel security
1) Don’t use admin as a user name
The login page of a web site is one of the main targets of hackers. They try to gain access to detail such as user names and passwords. By default, the admin panel default user name is “admin” and most of the time developer does not change it. So, a hacker can easily get access to the login page.
If you set a default user name is (username=” admin”), then immediately change it by running the SQL query in PhpMyAdmin.
2) Create a strong password
No matter how unique your username is, but password always is strong. If you choose the weak password, a hacker can access the log in detail and try to hack the system, maybe he can destroy site visibility.
Make sure that password is a combination of an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, numbers and special character (Krishna121@home).
You can use the password generator tool to create a strong password.
[Password generator tool]
3) Incorporate two-factor verification
This is the best way to protect your website for unauthorized use and hackers. In a two-factor authentication if hackers get the detail of the login and admin panel but cannot access the data because it applied two-way security. As an illustration, if hackers get username and password, he has to enter code that sent in any authenticated device.
This trick enhances the security of the website. In general, this method needs to have an authentication code sent in a mobile phone.
Install the “google authentication” to add this functionality without a heavy burden.
4) Customize your login URL
It’s good to practice to change the URL address of your login page. If you want to protect the site from hacker change the default URL. By default, the WordPress login page can browse through wp-login.php (Default URL).
The access to the default URL, hackers have more chance to hack the website. So, it is necessary to create a custom URL to create unbreakable security.
5) Upgrade to HTTPS
A default website protocol is HTTP so don’t forget to switch your protocol to HTTPS in order to protect your website from hackers.
HTTPS encrypts the connection between your web browser and web server, which will keep the hackers away when you are transferring data one to another network.
6) Secure wp-admin directory
Protecting of the wp-admin directory is one of the best practices when you have to work with WordPress. Since the admin dashboard is one of the targeted parts of the site for a hacker, don’t forget to strengthen its security.
To ensure the security of your admin panel, you can use the password to protect the wp-admin directory. To add a security website owner has to submit two different passwords if he/she wants to access it.
Enhancing the security of WordPress theme and template
7) Delete the unused theme and plug-ins
Delete all the unused themes and plug-ins from your WordPress admin panel area. The plug-ins not only make your site slow but also make it vulnerable to security attacks.
So, it’s quite obvious that uninstall the unused plug-in or stop updating it. So, the hacker does not find any loophole within the outdated element and gain access to your site.
8)Keep them updated
Update your install theme and plug-in along with your WordPress core on a regular basis to keep hackers away from your site. Sometimes it is difficult to maintain your site regular basic. That time an automatic update comes into play. You can configure automatic updates for theme and plug-in by installing a few lines code into wp-config.php.
- Use the following line code for the plug-in:
- Use the following line code for theme:
9) Never download a premium plug-in for free
Instead of downloading a premium theme for free, make sure to download for an authenticated or official website. Sometimes a free product contains unnecessary software and corrupted file that may corrupt your entire website with malware.
So, make sure that you always download and install theme and plug-in from the official site.
Security of database
10) Improve your WordPress database table prefix
It’s quite complicated to change the prefix. It will surely enhance your site security. WordPress database by default table prefix is” wp_(table_name)”. Hackers can easily hack it via SQL injection.
So, the trick is changing the default prefix to something more reliable. A custom prefix is difficult to guess for hackers, which result is protecting your site. To customize it, you will need to change the setting of the wp_config.php file.
- The default prefix:
$table_prefix = ’wp_ (table name)’;
- The custom prefix:
$table_prefix = ’wp_0232_(tablename)’;
11) Backup and update regularly
It is good to practice to back up your site regularly. So, keep back up your site regularly using “vault press”, “backup WordPress”.
Apart from this WordPress regularly update a site functionality.
Securing WordPress hosting environment
12) Pick the most reliable hosting provider
If you have not a reliable hosting provider, you want able to boost your site performance.
If you are using shared hosting makes sure you choose the top-notch hosting provider such as site ground and Bluehost. Both have some useful security features.
13) Secure wp_config.php
The wp_config file contains all the confidential information related to WordPress installation. Since it is the most crucial file, make sure you protect it from hackers and other attackers.
WordPress also comes with the many security plugins:
1) word fence
2) All in one wp security and firewall
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